Prototype Wiki

Well.. the game is simply amazing. Don't bother the graphics, they are OK.

The game is simply amazing... Only problem i have is that some buttons collide with each other, resulting in annoyance. Example for ya : I glided from the rooftop close to a helicopter to attack with the Whipfist, NO. Alex had to do some random useless move going down with the head trying to break his own skull or something...

And the fact you can't start immidietly on hard is not that fun... i don't want to repeat the game for that.. but its OK.. i did it with Devil May Cry 4, no problem with this.

So, whaddya think about the game?

PS. Yes, indeed great boredom came to me. My parrot went to sleep somewhy. dumb bird... probably cause i don't give him sleep cause i go to sleep late..
